EMDR Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL

Healing starts here

“The essence of trauma is a disconnect from the self. Therefore the essence of healing is not just uncovering one’s past, but reconnecting with oneself in the present.”

— Gabor Mate

What is trauma?

Trauma occurs from the ways in which our brains and bodies respond to an overwhelming experience. It is not the experience itself, but the meaning we create from the experience and how it shapes our development, self-perception, and worldview. An additional piece of importance is that trauma results when the experience happens in the absence of an attuned relationship. If there is no one to witness, affirm, and respond to the overwhelming experience that occurred, then the experience is felt in isolation.

There are many different forms of trauma. A common misconception is that trauma is only single-incident events, such as car accidents and natural disasters, etc.; however, trauma can also come from ongoing overwhelming experiences. Multiple adverse experiences create what is called complex trauma, or sometimes cPTSD. Developmental trauma encompasses overwhelming experiences that occurred specifically during early childhood years. Trauma can also come from what did not happen, opposed to what did happen. For example, emotional neglect is a a form of trauma that comes from not having needs for love, affection, closeness, support, and connection met in relationships.


How do I know if I have experienced trauma?

Trauma can show up in many ways. It often shows up unconsciously and out of our awareness. Here are some indicators that what you are experiencing could be from trauma:

  • replaying distressing memories from the past in your head, often intrusively

  • overreactions or intense reactions that are disproportionate to the situation

  • avoidance of people, places, and things that remind you of past overwhelming and/or distressing experiences

  • body symptoms, such as chronic stomach issues, digestive issues, migraines, rashes, inflammation, fatigue, poor concentration, heart racing, difficulty breathing, sleep issues

  • mind-body disconnect

  • anxiety, hypervigilance, constantly alert and feeling on edge

  • depression, sadness, feeling shut down or numb

  • mood instability

  • unstable and/or codependent relationships

  • loud inner critic, shame, self-hatred

  • chronic feeling of emptiness and/or loneliness

  • feeling unsafe in the world, around people, and/or within your body

If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy, shame can’t survive.
— Brene Brown

How do I heal from trauma?

There are myriad paths to healing. Rooted Wellness Center offers holistic psychotherapy with a trauma-informed therapist using mind-body therapies. EMDR is a comprehensive therapy that reprocesses traumatic memories stored in the mind and body. It is highly effective and results in transformational change.


What is EMDR?



50 minutes | $150

90 minute sessions available upon request


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